Thursday, August 16, 2007

Step 3: Another Blog

Not sure if I was supposed to write about another blog I currently read OR just searched for/found, but I dig some of the MP3 blogs that are floating around the Internet. One of my current favorites is I Guess I'm Floating ( I love the layout + design --- it's crisp, fresh, clean, balanced, and still appealing --- and I like the writing. Informative and funny. Not to mention that I've heard/learned about/been introduced to some good NEW music, thanks to the guys who created the blog.

Oh, and the library could use a blog to upload forms, audio, and video, letting patrons and staff view/download certain files. Just another way to get information posted.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Amy, you definitely know what you are doing and have a great grasp on what the library can do with a blog. I am going to save these ideas and pass them on to the staff in charge of redesigning the website. Yes, there is a group looking at it now. Don't hesitate to send me more ideas, via the blog or email. Keep going.