Thursday, August 16, 2007

Step 2: Library Blog?

So, how can STDL use a blog to promote its services and share information + news? Considering the fact that the Schaumburg Library is one of the biggest and most popular libraries in Illinois, I think a blog (or blogs) could be pretty useful. A fresh, hip, organized way to offer info and news to patrons and the community.

For starters, a general/main blog can be used to:
1. List changes in library + branch locations, hours, policies, departments, contact informations, and general services.
2. List general library news.
3. List upcoming events.
4. Offer links to other blogs for various departments within the library.

Since we have different departments (youth, adult, AV, circulation, reference, etc...), each section could have its own blog to write about dept.-specific news, policies, changes, and all that jazz.

I think it would also give the library a bit more personality. I mean, not that it doesn't have tons of that already, but sometimes the main website, though informative, can be a bit --- I dunno --- drab? While organizing and providing information in a different way, I think blogs would also add some color and life to the way we get the word out about the library and all the awesome services we have to offer.

Plus, more staff can get involved in the blog process. Sharing ideas, making suggestions, writing for and updating the blog, taking pictures for the blog, spreading the word about events/services, and --- maybe more importantly --- letting everybody know that there is, indeed, a ghost that sets off the security alarms gate.

Informative, organized, interesting, fun: An STDL blog coming to a computer near you!

P.S. I take it back: is pretty neat.

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