A) eBooks: the idea of making everything virtual kind of scares me. eThis, iThat. I'm already worried about music CDs becoming an artifact of the past, what with iTunes being so popular. Now books? While I do appreciate that opportunities and accessibility the Internet provides us (i.e. the world at our fingertips), I also think that people should maintain a balance between using the web and using tangible resources. I utilize the web just as much as the next person, and it is amazing. I just don't want it to TAKE OVER. I want to hold an actual book, spin an actual CD, pop in an actual DVD. The idea that the Internet could be the future of everything? Scares this oldschool cat just a little bit.
B) 1. Community Groups, Clubs, and Organizations:
- Photography: Since I love taking photos, I decided to check out what groups Schaumburg might have. I came across the Schaumburg Area Photographic Society. Looks like this group meets at SPD, but it doesn't have any information about what exactly the club is about or who it's for. There is contact information, though, so one can always call Len for the 411.
- Astronomy: I had NO idea about the Northwest Suburban Astronomers! This is so exciting! I love astronomy, and this organization sounds pretty cool. It's a paid membership, but it looks like it offers a lot of neat information and opportunities. I'm definitely bookmarking this website.
- Environmental: The good ol' Popular Creek Prairie Stewards. I've heard about this volunteer opportunity before, and though I've always been interested in joining, I haven't had the chance. What a great way to promote environmental awareness, preservation and protection, starting with us!
I think these community links are awesome. Names of organizations, mission statements, contact information. They're definitely a great resource for residents looking to get involved in the community. I was never aware that there were so many community groups in Schaumburg and surrounding suburbs, especially for certain issues/hobbies (aside from mental health and social services. Psych major, ya know). Now I know what page to check out for a heads-up.
2. Explore Schaumburg Township's History:
- Find the name of the church located on Rodenburg Road. Is it still in existence?: The name of the church is St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, and --- yes --- it is still in existence. Well, not in its original form. Struck by lightning in 1910 and torn down in 1996, a new building now stands. I've visited and taken photographs at its cemetery before.
- The Schaumburg family who ran a peony farm in the late 1920's at what is now the Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary went by what name?: The Redecker family @ Boeger Farm. By the way, the photos on file are amazing.
- On March 8, 1964 a DC-3 crashed into a home in Hoffman Estates. What was the house number and street of the home?: 112 Arlington Street in Hoffman Estates. Home to Victor Golubski and his family.
C) Research Any Topic:
- Estimated to be worth between $150-$250, how much did an antique pincushion in the shape of a roller skate sell for in 1994?: I found the results for a September 4, 2004 auction where the roller skate pincushion sold for $402.
- In the Haitian folktale, AyAyAy!, what items are used to teach aunty a lesson?: WILL FINISH LATER. OUT OF TIME.
- How much did Brad & Suzy Chestler pay for their Long Grove home in 2002?: I found Brad Chestler on ReferenceUSA's residential search, but that has no info about the cost of the couple's home. WILL FINISH LATER. OUT OF TIME.
D) Live Chat with a Librarian!
I wasn't sure what to ask about at first, so since I was thinking of road trips and adventures, I decided to ask about --- well, check out the chat session transcript!
Chat Transcript:
QUESTION: I'm interested in going "ghost hunting" around Illinois. Where can I find popular/noted haunted locations in this state?
[Librarian 14:57:30]: Librarian 'Alex K at Schaumburg Library' has joined the session.
[Librarian 14:57:55]: Hi. My name is Alex and I'm a reference librarian. I'm looking over your question and will be right with you.
[Amy L. 14:58:03]: Awesome. Thanks.
[Librarian 14:59:28]: There are definitely books out on the subject of ghost hunting in the Illinois. Are you interested in book titles?
[Amy L. 15:00:25]: Book titles work, for sure. Any websites would be cool, too.
[Librarian 15:00:25]: There are also many websites on ghost hunting societies: http://questionpoint.org/crs/servlet/org.oclc.chat.ClientLogout;jsessionid=1E5C5199473F5ACDD745C5E5C5F29045.two?&qphost=linuxqp2.prod.oclc.org&#
[Amy L. 15:00:40]: You beat me to it =o).
[Amy L. 15:01:19]: Oh, cool. That link loaded to the left of the chat.
[Librarian 15:02:07]: Here are some book titles too.
[Librarian 15:02:17]: Windy city Ghosts
[Librarian 15:02:22]: Ghosthunting Illinois
[Librarian 15:02:25]: Creepy Chicago
[Librarian 15:02:39]: Field Guide to Illinois Hauntings
[Librarian 15:03:19]: This looks like it has a lot of fun links: http://questionpoint.org/crs/servlet/org.oclc.chat.ClientLogout;jsessionid=1E5C5199473F5ACDD745C5E5C5F29045.two?&qphost=linuxqp2.prod.oclc.org&#
[Amy L. 15:04:30]: Oh, wow. Lots of information. Can't wait to go on a ghost hunting trip. If I don't show up to work, you'll know why, Alex K.!
[Librarian 15:04:49]: Have fun. Is there anything else I can help you with?
[Amy L. 15:05:45]: No, this'll work. I'll check out those books and the websites.
[Amy L. 15:05:56]: Thanks a lot! I appreciate it.
[Librarian 15:06:11]: Great! Thanks for using this service.
[Librarian 15:06:16]: Librarian ended chat session.
I thought this was actually kind of neat. It may have delayed a little bit, but it's still a great reference/search tool. Though I've already done my own research about this topic before, Alex K. was able to give me (some familiar) book titles and websites (which, by the way, loaded to the left of the chat window, so I was able to check 'em out while chatting with the librarian). A live chat with a librarian = study buddy, research partner, or unknowing partner in mischief and adventure! The only thing that might annoy some people is the delay or slow load time. Otherwise, a nice option when you need an extra brain or pair of eyes to help your research.
1 comment:
Love all the comments. You are so close to being done. Did you know there was so much available to us right now? It took me a few days to see this on Bloglines. I don't know why. Keep going. If you finish and don't hear from me right away, drop me an email. Nice writing. Very concise and descriptive.
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